Creating An Action Plan
1. Login to your Admin dashboard and navigate to Action Planning using the menu on the left of screen.
Click on the Add New Plan button at the bottom of the screen.
Enter the Plan Title.
Identify the Demographics to which the plan applies.
Click Save.
2. Next, start adding hazards to your plan.
Click on the Add New Hazard button.
Enter the Risk Title and Description.
Choose the relevant Hazard from the dropdown list.
The title and description should describe the hazard in context. For example: Risk title - "High workload in the Admin team"; Risk description - "Regular unplanned work with tight deadlines is causing Admin team members to regularly work through lunch and after hours to meet demands"; Hazard - "Work Overload".
Assign the risk to an Owner using the search function. The owner must be a registered user within your FlourishDx account.
Add the Inherent Risk (i.e. the risk without controls in place)
Add the Residual Risk (i.e. the risk once controls are in place) associated with your organisation's risk ratings.
Click Save.
3. To enter your actions for each hazard click on Add New Control next to the hazard in the table.
If you aren't sure where to start, you can choose from our list of Suggested Actions. Otherwise enter the Action Title and Description.
Assign the action to an Owner using the search function.
Enter the Start Date and Due Date using the date pickers.
Select Priority (Low, Medium, High).
Select Status of the action.
Select the Category of control from the Hierarchy Of Control list.
Select the Type of control (New or Existing).
Click Save.
Multiple actions can be added to a hazard if desired.