To access your work factors risk assessment, login to your FlourishDx admin dashboard. Using the menu on the left, navigate to "Surveys", then "Risk Assessment". This will display a list of the risk assessment surveys conducted. Click on a survey to open its dashboard.
The dashboard will populate once eight responses have been received, and updates live after each new response is submitted.
The top section of the dashboard displays an overview of the number and percentage of responses completed, in-progress, and not started; along with the work factors with the highest scores according to total risk, severity (wellbeing impact), frequency, and duration. You can switch between these four categories using the tabs above the risk chart.
Beneath the summary is a table containing each of the work factors assessed, their scores for severity, frequency, and duration, and their total risk score. You can sort by either of these four categories by clicking on your category of choice.
The graph to the right of the table will display the response distributions for whichever work factor you have selected, split into severity, frequency, and duration. Click on the legend beneath the graph to remove or add a category to the graph.
The X-axis represents the response options for the three categories, the Y-axis represents the number of times each response was selected. Hover over a data point to see the wording of the response option and the number of times that response option was selected.
Sorting by total risk score will indicate those work factors that are causing the greatest distress to your workforce. We recommend that these factors are explored further in debriefs or focus groups to understand the drivers and root causes of those work factors, and to develop actions to address these work factors. Actions can aim to reduce the wellbeing impact of the work factor, the frequency of exposure to the work factor, or the duration of exposure to the work factor. For more information on how to facilitate a group session, see How can I develop actions from my FlourishDx Work Factors Risk Assessment results?
Use the tabs along the top of the graph to display outcome variables included in the survey. The bar graphs display the response options along the X-axis, and the number of times the response was selected along the Y-axis.
The "Respondents" tab shows the list of users who received the survey and their completion status. This is the only survey information available about individual users.
Use the filter tool at the top of the page to interrogate the results according to employee demographics. There is no limit to the number of filters that can be applied, however once the number of users in the filtered group drops below eight, the dashboard will not populate.