To assign people leaders permission to view FlourishDx aggregate data, login to your Administrator dashboard. Using the menu on the left side of the screen, navigate to 'Users', then 'Manage Staff'.
Identify the relevant user from the list, using the search function if required, then select that user to open their details. Using the menu on top of the page, navigate to 'Line Manager Permissions' then select the 'Make Line Manager' button.
Next, assign the actions the leader is able to undertake. 'Survey Permissions' includes the option to create surveys, and to view survey results. You can assign permission for either, or both options. Checking either of these boxes will set that permission for all available surveys. Alternatively, open the dropdown to specify which surveys the leader can create and/or view. The same goes for eLearning permissions. Assign permission to create programs and/or view results for all eLearning programs, or open the dropdown to specify which programs the leader can create or view. Permission to view aggregate check-in data can also be assigned.
Finally, assign users to the work group. Aggregate data from these users will populate the leader's dashboard, per the permissions assigned in the previous step. The dashboard will populate once eight responses have been received, so if the leader has fewer than eight people in their team, they will not be able to view aggregate survey results or check-in data. Users can be assigned individually using the 'Search Users' function, or as a group using the 'Filter Users' function.
When you have finished assigning users, click the "Update" button at the bottom of the page.