Your main administrator or line manager dashboard will display the check-in data collected over the past month. Scores populate when eight or more responses have been received within a reporting period, so the check-in graph displayed on your main dashboard may only show that people have responded on particular days of the month, if fewer than eight people responded on each day.
In the menu on the left-hand side of the page, choose 'Surveys', then 'Wellbeing Check In'. This will take you to the data analytics for the check-in. Here, you can apply filters, choose the date range you would like to review, or use the 'Quick View' option to review the 'Last Year'. This view will display the check-in data for each month, and may be a better option for data sets with fewer than eight daily responses.
The bar graph shows the average mood rating given for each time interval. Scores range from one to seven, with one representing angry and stressed, and seven representing joyful. Four is the neutral position. The graph also shows the number of unique respondents for each time interval. Where individuals have completed multiple check-ins within a time interval, their average response across the time interval will be calculated, then incorporated into the global average for that interval. This prevents multiple responses from one individual from skewing the team data.
The tables beneath the bar graph display the top reasons given for positive and negative mood within the selected time interval, grouped by individual and work factors. These results can be used to inform wellbeing promotion activities, and to facilitate conversations at a team level about how to enhance the work factors that support positive mood and minimise the work factors that contribute to negative mood.
Beneath the tables, a list of all possible reasons is provided, along with the number of times each reason is identified, grouped by positive and negative reasons. The positive or negative reasons can be further filtered to show only individual or work reasons.