The FlourishDx Wellbeing Check In is a very short, 30 second assessment to find out how workers are doing and what factors are influencing this. The wellbeing check-in is a useful first pass to rapidly collect information about the most common psychosocial hazards that are reducing employee wellbeing, to inform subsequent risk assessments.
Learn more about the wellbeing check-in at What is the FlourishDx wellbeing check-in?
The Wellbeing Check in can be used for general psychosocial hazard screening, and ongoing monitoring.
The hazard screening results should be incorporated into the work factors risk assessment. Learn more about the work factors risk assessment at What is the FlourishDx Work Factors Risk Assessment?
Regular monitoring of psychosocial hazards and risks helps to continuously improve working conditions, to identify new hazards as they emerge, and to detect changes in risk profiles across the organisation. The wellbeing check-in provides a time efficient solution for frequent monitoring activities.
We recommend that employees are asked to use the check-in on a monthly basis.
Longitudinal data can indicate which work factors are more constant in contributing to positive or negative mood, whether particular hazards emerge more often at certain times of the year, and more broadly whether psychological wellbeing across the organisation is improving, stable, or declining.
Line managers can also use the check-in information to help them respond in a timely fashion to significant declines in team wellbeing or changes in the top hazards for their team.
Learn about how to interpret check-in data at How do I Interpret my Team's Well-being Check-in Results?